To answer my own question in case anybody else has a similiar problem:

There's a urlFor(ResourceReference) method in Component, so store the ResourceReference in the application, then access it in the Component which needs the URL and call urlFor().

On 26.06.2009, at 16:21, Robin Sander wrote:

Say, I have an image 'logo.png' in the same package as class 'StaticScope' and I mount this image
as a shared resource at path 'static/images/logo.png'.
How should I access this resource in other components?

For example:

In MyApplication.init():
ResourceReference ref = new ResourceReference(StaticScope.class, "logo.png"); mountSharedResource("static/images/logo.png", ref.getSharedResourceKey());

Fine, now my image is accessible at the mounted path 'http://..../ static/images/logo.png'.

But if I try to access this resource in Java using SharedResource.get(...), for example to use it in a Link, I always end up with the wrong URL ( something like ? wicket:interface=:0:header:logolink:image::IResourceListener::)

Here's my code:

public class Header extends Panel {

     public Header(final String id) {
                add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("id", "header"));
BookmarkablePageLink<Void> logoLink = new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("logolink", HOMEPAGE_CLASS);
                // XXX
Resource resource = KuppelboxApplication .getInstance().getSharedResources().get(StaticScope.class, "logo.png", null, null, true);

                logoLink.add(new Image("image", resource));
                add(new UserPanel("user-panel", Index.class));

Or should I use "new Image("image", new ResourceReference(StaticScope.class, "logo.png"))?
(but then I wonder why SharedResources returns Resource only)
Or should I use wicket:link? Or static HTML code only?



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