I am a new user of wicket and I have been experimenting the last days.

I am trying to migrate an existing JSP applikation to wicket.


I now have a problem with feedback and validation error display.


In the existing applikation, the validation errors are display next to the 

by displaying a little error icon with the error message as a tooltip 

and at the same time the form component change style, i.e. testfields

gets a red border.


One of the pages I am experimenting with, have a list where

all columns are static, like dates, numbers and amounts except one 

where an (intiallly empty) editable amount field is displayed.

It is this field I have problem of getting to work to display errors for.


The validation on each row should compare the entered amount, that it is not 

hígher than, one of the other amounts in the "row" model.

The sum of the entered amounts in all rows are also not allowed to be 

higher than another amount in a form component outisde the datatable.


I have attached AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior with onblur which calls 

but I just get the following warning all the time:

VARNING: Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered.


I have tried adding the table in aWebMarkupContainer, I have called 

I have called target.addCmponent(wmc).

I have also tried with FormComponentFeedbackIndicator but without success.


I have been looking around the examples and a lot of web pages and now

I decided that maybe someone can point me in the direction

where someone have an example on just this.


Even a small initial example would be appreciated.


Thanks, Kenneth




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