Sounds like your background thread is holding a lock that is also
acquired during page rendering. Maybe you can find
out which lock is contended by creating a thread dump using visualvm
or jstack from jdk 1.6

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Tokalak Ahmet<> wrote:
> Hi All,
> we've got a page which does time consuming tasks.
> Because of that, every time a user calls the page a new background-thread is 
> started (only if not running already) and
> the user is informed that the task is running and the page will be updated 
> with fresh data as quickly as the thread has finished.
> We've realized that the WHOLE application is blocked until the 
> background-thread finishes. That is no other page can be called
> by the user who has started the thraed. The app is also not responding to 
> other users as long as the thread is running.
> The background thread class i'm using is a simple thread extending the thread 
> class and retrieving data from a very very big database in its run method.
> I'm using Wicket 1.3.5 on Tomcat6.0.18
> Any ideas?

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