Do you mean destroyed or undeployed?

You can override onDestroy() in your Wicket Application class and this will
be triggered when your wicket application is stopped as part of being
undeployed.  But if it were stopped then undeployed I'm not sure how you
could be notified of the undeploy event.  I think the onDestory() event is
the boundary of your application and you won't know about anything beyond
that from a wicket perspective.  You could also go outside the wicket
application with a context listener but again that is a context destroyed
event, not an undeploy event.


Auckland, NZ

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Joshua Martin <>wrote:

> Is there a method I can override for when the Wicket Web Application
> is undeployed?
> --
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