Hi Everyone, I'm evaluating wicket for a new project for my company. I started looking at the wicket-examples and dropped the wicket-examples-1.3.6.war into the jboss deploy directory. It deployed fine and I went through some of the examples.
My problem is that I left jboss running, and the next day came back and noticed restarting jboss took a really long time. It turns out my /home partition (where jboss is running) was 95% full. Clearing out the jboss tmp dir brought /home down to 9%. The jboss tmp I'm referring to is here: /home/laura/jboss-5.0.0.GA/server/default/tmp/ I thought that the problem might be in one the examples, so I removed wicket-examples-1.3.6.war. I've been working on a simple example of my own using the markup inheritance example and the input form examples. I was planning on putting a page demo-ing the ajax functionality too. So I've been playing around with this example and hot-deploying the war to jboss all day and I've noticed my /home has crept up to 45%. Has anyone else had this problem? We have a lot of other web apps on jboss 5, but never had this problem before (none are based on wicket). Here's my exact details: jboss-5.0.0.GA jdk1.6.0_13 wicket 1.3.6 ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron Thanks, Laura