Hi, I have a DefaultDataTable with 5 columns, I want to be able to register
to an onclick method that fires when the user will click a specific row\cell
in the table.
In other words, I need to be able to open an edit screen when the user
clicks the row he wants to edit, and for that I need the row to be clickable
(or just the name cell) and I need to be able to be able to hook up to that

My Code:
*Please bear in mind that I've only started developing in wicket a week ago
so if you see anything that doesn't make sense, please let me know so I can
fix it.*

> locationsEntityFacade =
> LookupHelper.getInstance().lookupLocationsEntityFacade();
>         List locations = locationsEntityFacade.findAll();
>         int count = locations.size();
>         add(new Label("locationsCount", String.valueOf(count)));
>         LocationsProvider locationsProvider = new LocationsProvider();
>         IColumn[] columns = new IColumn[5];
>         columns[0] = new PropertyColumn(new Model("Name"), "name", "name");
>         columns[1] = new PropertyColumn(new Model("Address 1"),
> "streetAddress1", "streetAddress1");
>         columns[2] = new PropertyColumn(new Model("Address 2"),
> "streetAddress2", "streetAddress2");
>         columns[3] = new PropertyColumn(new Model("City"), "city", "city");
>         columns[4] = new PropertyColumn(new Model("State"), "usState",
> "usState");
>         DefaultDataTable table = new DefaultDataTable("datatable", columns,
> locationsProvider, 10);
>         add(table);

* Location Provider:*

public class LocationsProvider extends SortableDataProvider{
>     List list = new ArrayList();
>     LocationsEntityFacadeLocal locationsEntityFacade;

>     public LocationsProvider()  {
>         setSort("id", true);
>         locationsEntityFacade =
> LookupHelper.getInstance().lookupLocationsEntityFacade();
>         list = locationsEntityFacade.findAll();
>     }
>     public Iterator iterator(int first, int count) {
>         List newList = new ArrayList();
>         newList.addAll(list.subList(first, first + count));
>         final String sortColumn = this.getSort().getProperty();
>         final boolean ascending = this.getSort().isAscending();
>         Collections.sort(newList, new Comparator() {
>             public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
>                 PropertyModel model1 = new PropertyModel(obj1, sortColumn);
>                 PropertyModel model2 = new PropertyModel(obj2, sortColumn);
>                 Object modelObject1 = model1.getObject();
>                 Object modelObject2 = model2.getObject();
>                 int compare = ((Comparable)
> modelObject1).compareTo(modelObject2);
>                 if (!ascending)
>                     compare *= -1;
>                 return compare;
>             }
>         });
>         return newList.iterator();
>     }
>     public int size() {
>         return list.size();
>     }
>     public IModel model(final Object object) {
>        return new CompoundPropertyModel((LocationsEntity)object);
>     }


> ...

<table wicket:id="datatable"></table>


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