Hi Raphael,

You're using JPA, which complains that it can't find a persistence
provider (i.e. Hibernate). Have you added the JPA-specific Hibernate
jars such as hibernate-entitymanager.jar (and, while you're at it,
hibernate-annotations.jar) as well? And where did you put your
persistence.xml? Also, please include the relevant bits of your
persistence.xml file, in particular:

  <persistence-unit name="foo" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
     <!-- ... -->

This does not seem to be a Wicket-specific problem btw, althoug it may
have something to do with your project's directory structure.


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Raphael Monroe - Leucotron
(DES)<rmon...@leucotron.com.br> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> It愀 my first post to the list so I'm sorry if I'm broking any rules or
> writing in a wrong text format.
> I'm here to learn and I hope I'll with you guys.
> Firstly, I should explain my huge(or not?) problem.
> Since 2 days ago, I'm having this persistence error in my project.
> I mean, when I get my program running, I have this follow message:
> javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for
> EntityManager named classePer
> at 
> javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(Persistence.java:56)
>       at 
> com.leucotron.database.JDataBaseConnection.<init>(JDataBaseConnection.java:34)
>       at  
> com.leucotron.database.JDataBaseConnection.getInstance(JDataBaseConnection.java:41)
>       at com.leucotron.exemplowicket.Testando.<init>(Testando.java:24)

> I have no idea why I'm having this. Then, I have thought that is a wicket
> problem because when I use the same codes in a Desktop application I can run
> that very normal.
> I've tried to put the persistence.xml in several places, but I didn't have
> any sucess so far.
> I've also tried to add (even manually), all the .jars related to the
> hibernate lib. However, I still continued with the same problem.
> I kinda lost myself and I do not know how to fix my code or even how to do
> any modification to get my web application running as normal as my desktop
> application.
> Thank you guys,
> []s
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