you have to call setreuseitemstrategy(...) on the refreshingview so
that components are kept across requests. it is analogous to having to
call setreuseitems(true) on the listview.


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:12 AM, Anton Komratov<> wrote:
> I'm using RefreshingView to show and edit data. I put MinimumValidator to
> the TextField in RefreshingView (in method populateItem()).Also I put
> FeedbackIndicator for this TextField in RefreshingView (also in method
> populateItem()).
> MinimumValidator works fine - I'm getting error messages at the
> FeedbackPanel. But FeedbackIndicator doesn't work - no any "red asterics" in
> case of invalid value in TextField.
> Others FeedbackIndicators at the same pages (for others TextFields outside
> of the RefreshingView) work fine.
> Any solutions? (I'm using wicket 1.4rc4).
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Java code fragment:
> @Override
> *protected void populateItem(final Item item)* {
> item.add(new Label("name"));
> item.add(new Label("surname"));
> item.add(new Label(""));
> TextField tfam = new TextField("amount");
> tfam.add(new MinimumValidator(1));
> item.add(tfam);
>                                *FormComponentFeedbackIndicator amountFlag =
> new FormComponentFeedbackIndicator ("amountFlag");*
> * **amountFlag.setIndicatorFor(tfam);*
> *                                item.add(amountFlag); * }
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> <!--      Markup file code fragment   -->
> *<tr wicket:id="simple">*
> <td width=5>*<span wicket:id="amountFlag"></span>*</td>
> <td><span style="width:150px" wicket:id="surname"></span>&nbsp;</td>
> <td><span style="width:75px" wicket:id="name"></span>&nbsp;</td>
> <td><span style="width:75px" wicket:id=""></span>&nbsp;</td>
> <td><input type="text" wicket:id="amount" style="width:30px"
> tabindex="3"></input></td>
> *</tr>*

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