
            I realize 1.2.7 is no longer "officially" supported.
However, I'm hoping someone will help me anyway. Here goes nothing......


            I have a login page that is supposed to make sure a username
and password were actually entered before validating against the auth

If the name and/or password aren't entered it's supposed to spit out an
error message to the user.  It works when a password is entered but no

If I enter a username and no password, or don't enter anything at all,
nothing seems to happen. The spinning indicator next to the

goes by so fast I can't see it, if it goes by at all. My error log
statements that tell me where its at in the execution don't seem to
write out either.  I've tested this

in both Firefox and IE. I also tested by entering a password in the form
and then using the Tamper Data extension for Firefox to remove the
password.  Still no joy.

It seems that it's somewhere in the server side code that's terminating
the request early but for the life of me I can't figure out where.


Thanks for any help/assistance in this matter,

Tom Burton



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