Hello People,

Today, I am proud to announce that I have now uploaded the first version of the new Scala-Wicket Extensions.

The project aims to be a central point for Scala related extensions to the Wicket framework.

At the moment, the project consists of an Archetype, Sample application and Core libraries.

The core libraries at this point consist of some useful implicit conversation functions (Scala -> Java list conversion, Closure -> Fodel conversion, etc... ScalaWicket.scala) a collection of simple extensions to existing components and the Fodel class. The Fodel class allows us to use closures and pass by name parameters in Scala to avoid some explicit construction of Models.

For example:
new SLabel("name", person.name )
This actually constructs a Model which just like a Property Model looks up and re-evaluates the name property of the Person during each render time (i.e. this is a dynamic model, not a static model as it may appear to be, or would be if it were Java).
new SPropertyListView[String]("presentations", list, _.add(new SLabel("name", "asdp name")))

There are a whole lot of examples in the Specification files, as the whole library as it stands is covered by Specs unit tests.

It also includes SBT (simple build tool) code AND Maven build code (take your pick).

I invite all those who are currently using Scala with Wicket to submit there odds and ends that make life easy for them - I'm sure there's a whole bunch of stuff out there!

Special thanks to Stuq.nl

P.s. it seems wicketstuff team city is stuck, so the SNAPSHOT won't be on the Wicket Stuff repo atm, but I'll try and get that sorted out asap.

Maven signature:

Antony Stubbs,


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