Thankk you robin
i have used external link that is working fine

Gerald A

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Robin Sander <> wrote:

> You have to add a Link instance to the item, for example
>  item.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("link", TargetPage.class);
> If you want to have a label inside the link add the label to the link
> instead of the item
> and use a markup like:
>  <a href="#"  wicket:id="link"><span wicket:id="title">name</span></a>
> On 26.08.2009, at 12:00, Gerald Fernando wrote:
> Hello Friends,
>> this is my code
>> add(new ListView("people", p.writeNews("arts"))
>>           {
>>           @Override protected void populateItem(ListItem item)
>>               {
>>               RSSReader person = (RSSReader)item.getModelObject();
>>                item.add(new Label("title", person.title));      - title
>>                item.add(new Label("link",;
>> corresponding web Address of title
>>                item.add(new Label("description", person.description));
>> description
>>               }
>> When i click title that shows that web Page
>> how to do it
>> --
>> Thanks&regards,
>> Gerald A
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Gerald A

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