To force re-instantiate of an unknow subclass you can use reflection like:


but a simple setResponsePage(getPage()) should work to update resources used
by wicket:message for example....

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:47 AM, Bergmann Manfred

> Hi there.
> I've run into an issue and don't know how to solve it.
> My experience with Wicket is still low.
> I have a BasePage, subclass of WebPage. This page has some links, including
> links to change the language.
> This BasePage is not a page that is "rendered" directly. Only though
> subclasses.
> However the link events are handled on the BasePage. In the link handler
> the locale is changed in the session and the last rendered page should get
> re-rendered.
> It looks like that BasePage subclass is re-rendered because
> <wicket:message/> messages are localized. But some others components are
> not.
> In fact the constructor of the subclass is not called again and that's the
> reason for some components are still in the old language.
> How can I force to re-instantiate this subclass while not knowing which
> subclass it is in the link click-handler?
> Regards,
> Manfred
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