your save link should be a save link that submits a form, unless you
are going to manually append the value you want sent back via
javascript to the save link's url.


On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Muro Copenhagen<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an issue with AjaxEditableLabel that i hope i can get some help with.
> In my application i have a couple of AjaxEditableLabel's.
> Though i am not interested in the default feature of AjaxEditableLabel.
> I want edit button and a save button, that switches automatically between
> the Label and TextInput mode for
> all the AjaxEditableLabel fields i have.
> I used AjaxFallbackLink to implement a save button and edit button, that
> switches between the Label and TextInput fields
> of the AjaxEditableLabel. And this works for me now.
> The only problem i have is that the feedback is not displaying unless i
> submit the form. It does not show when i switch
> between the modes.
> When i log the onError method in my instance of the AjaxEditableLabel, i can
> see that the error is caugth, but
> for some reason not displayed.
> Here is some of my code:
>        MyAjaxEditableLabel adress = new MyAjaxEditableLabel("adress", new
> PropertyModel(wildcardProfil, "adress.street"));
>        add(adresse.setRequired(true));
>        FeedbackPanel adressFP = new NbFeedbackPanel("", new
> ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter(adress));
>        add(adressFP);
> And the AjaxFallbackLink's:
>    class SaveAjaxFallbackLink extends AjaxFallbackLink {
>        public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>            if (target != null) {
>                // shift visibility
>                adress.makeEditorlVisible(true);
>                adress.makeLabelVisible(false);
>                target.addComponent(adress);
>               ...
>       }
>    class EditAjaxFallbackLink extends AjaxFallbackLink {
>        public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>            if (target != null) {
>                // shift visibility
>                adress.makeEditorlVisible(true);
>                adress.makeLabelVisible(false);
>                target.addComponent(adress);
>               ...
>       }
> So when i click edit it should be in display mode, when click save it should
> save the content and go back to none-edit mode. But how do i get the
> feedback, when press the save button ?
> Hope someone can help me on this.
> Best Regards
> Cemil

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