why not

class mytextefield extends panel {
  public mytextfield {
       add(new textfield() { initmodel() { return
mytextfield.this.getdefaultmodel(); }});

since this is essentially what you want to do - have textfield use the
same model as the panel.


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Edmund Urbani <e...@liland.org> wrote:
> You're right, getDefaultModel ensures initialization. I should have suggested
> that instead of getModel (which is not available in the component class 
> anymore
> in 1.4.x).
> However, I did not want to override the initModel() method (and copy most of 
> its
> code) just for that. So now I solved it by creating a new wrap model, which I
> pass to the child component and which wraps around the 
> parent.getDefaultModel().
> public class ComponentWrapModel<T> implements IWrapModel<T> {
>        private Component component;
>        public ComponentWrapModel(Component component) { // component = parent
>                this.component=component;
>        }
>       �...@override
>        public IModel<?> getWrappedModel() {
>                return component.getDefaultModel();
>        }
> ....
> }
> Here's some more background which should explain why I chose to do this:
> I replace form components (eg. Textfield) with custom components (eg.
> MyTextfield) to add a few things my application needs to them. The name
> MyTextfield is a bit misleading here, because this is actually a subclass of
> Panel, and it merely contains a Textfield as a child. Still I wanted to use
> MyTextfield as a drop-in replacement, even when used in a form with a
> CompoundPropertyModel. This is where things got a little tricky, because the
> Textfield would end up trying to retrieve a property model matching its own
> wicket:id, when the relevant wicket:id had now become that of MyTextfield.
> Anyway I would have expected that wicket ensures the parent component model 
> gets
> initialized first, seeing how components generally query their parents when 
> they
> don't have a model of their own. And I'm still considering to report this as a
> bug in Jira.
> Cheers
>  Edmund
> Pedro Santos wrote:
>> The child model's initModel() gets called first
>> There are no especial ordering programing to initModels calls. Basically
>> they are called by
>>     public final IModel<?> getDefaultModel()
>>     {
>>         IModel<?> model = getModelImpl();
>>         // If model is null
>>         if (model == null)
>>         {
>>             // give subclass a chance to lazy-init model
>>             model = initModel();
>>             setModelImpl(model);
>>         }
>>         return model;
>>     }
>> What about your custom component gain an model that implements
>> IComponentInheritedModel and assign his children default models with the
>> desired logic? On IComponentInheritedModel you can access your custom
>> component parent model, and if you use getDefaultModel method, you don't
>> need to care with initialization ordering too...
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Edmund Urbani <e...@liland.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was just trying to create a component of my own which - in some of my
>>> pages -
>>> is created without a model. In the initModel() method I would then call
>>> super.initModel() and wrap the resulting model for use in a child
>>> component. The
>>> problem is the initialization order:
>>> The child model's initModel() gets called first, the parent (my custom
>>> component) does not yet have a model (getModelImpl() returns null) so it
>>> goes up
>>> farther in the component hierarchy and retrieves a wrong model.
>>> Looking at the Component source code (Wicket 1.4.1) I see a commented out
>>> line
>>> where initModel() used to to call the parent getModel() instead of
>>> getModelImpl(). There's also a comment explaining that doing so would
>>> "initialize many inbetween completely useless models". Well, not so useless
>>> for
>>> what I am trying to do I guess.
>>> So, from my perspective this looks like a bug that causes necessary
>>> initialization to be bypassed. Obviously though it was done like that on
>>> purpose, so I decided to put the issue up here instead of filing a bug
>>> report.
>>> Has anyone else run into similar issues?
>>> Would it really be so bad to just call getModel()?
>>> Cheers
>>>  Edmund
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