
I've started a test project on which I use scala, wicket and couchdb (I'm
new to all of them, which should make it fun :) ).

Until now I was dealing with the writing sample data access code, and I was
reading a lot of articles about DI in scala. I more or less went with what
is suggested in the "Programing in scala" book, that is using traits with
self type annotations and lazy vals (for calling modules). It's very easy to
construct object/classes for testing this way. Now I reached the web part
(wicket) and I came to a problem. In wicket the class name *has* to match
the html file (e.g. package/HomePage.html must have a corresponding
package.HomePage.class). This makes it (I think) impossible to use the above
method for DI.

One solution is to use DI framework like guice, but I was wondering if
someone hear has other idea?

Thanks in advance

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