I am trying to show a modal window within a wizard step showing the same
data the wizard step shows but as input text fields for editing.  I have
found some references to showing a wizard in a modal window and showing
a wizard within a wizard but not what I am looking to do.


I have the wizard steps appearing with the data and I have a modal popup
being launched from the step via an AjaxLink.  I can't figure out how to
get the data from the wizard step and make it appear in the modal as
well [so the user can edit the information].


I have a MyWizard object which in the constructor sets the default model
to a CompoundPropertyModel of a LoadableDetachableModel of my data
object.  I then call a method in the constructor to set all the data of
the model that I can from the database [which works].  


The first step of the wizard shows any data that has been set in the


How do I get my Modal window to show the same data from the model used
to display data  in step 1?


I then will need to take the values entered in the modal and push them
back into the wizard model.  I am assuming this can be done via an entry
in the wiki [1].  










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