Congratulations !

Why there are no SVN tags anymore ?
svn ls  does not have tags for
1.4.1 and 1.4.2

igor.vaynberg wrote:
> The Apache Wicket project is proud to announce the second maintenance
> release of Apache Wicket 1.4.
> Download Apache Wicket 1.4
> -------------------------------------------
> You can download the release here:
> Or use this in your Maven pom's to upgrade to the new version:
> <dependency>
>   <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>   <artifactId>wicket</artifactId>
>   <version>1.4.2</version>
> </dependency>
> Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.2
> ** Bug
>   * [WICKET-2393] - Passwords should not be trimmed
>   * [WICKET-2430] - Malformed \uxxxx encoding in
>   * [WICKET-2433] - Ajax support for multipart forms broken in a nested
> form
>   * [WICKET-2434] - RequestCycle urlFor ignores existing parameters
> when appending provided params
>   * [WICKET-2436] - invalid DataTable markup breaks table layout
>   * [WICKET-2438] - AjaxEventBehavior not working on feedback
> message components
>   * [WICKET-2453] - Form.findForm(Component c) bug. When form is
> part of Border and form component like TextField is inside another
> Border , component cannot resolve its form.
>   * [WICKET-2456] - DateTextField cannot work with default converter
> (or javadoc wrong)
>   * [WICKET-2457] - Flash/ExternalInterface does not work in IE if
> movie is fetched via Wicket/Ajax
>   * [WICKET-2458] - JavascriptUtils.escapeQuotes() misses escaping
> double quotes
>   * [WICKET-2461] - AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink does not work
> without AjaxPagingNavigator component
>   * [WICKET-2463] - Ajax miltipart form submitting ignores
> setDefaultFormProcessing(false)
>   * [WICKET-2466] - javadoc the CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy
> needs to be update/corrected to reflect the usage of session-id for
> encryption and hence URLs which were bookmarkable before will NOT
> remain bookmarkable.
>   * [WICKET-2475] - NPE after application hot redeployment
>   * [WICKET-2477] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel does not detach choices model
>   * [WICKET-2478] - TabbedPanel rendering bug
>   * [WICKET-2485] - IComponentResolvers are not supported inside
> wicket:enclosure
>   * [WICKET-2488] - QuickFix proposal
> WicketTesterHelper.assertEquals(final Collection<?> expects, final
> Collection<?> actuals) should compare list sizes
> ** Improvement
>   * [WICKET-626] - profile Wicket for 1.4.0
>   * [WICKET-2435] - TabbedPanel extract factory method for tabs-container
>   * [WICKET-2439] - Improve MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy, introduce Hybrid
>   * [WICKET-2444] - Internal Spring beans should be ignored
>   * [WICKET-2445] - needs the validators updated.
>   * [WICKET-2449] - Fix javadoc biggest mistakes - mainly @Deprecated tags
>   * [WICKET-2454] - IE8: be more verbose if ajax refresh fails
>   * [WICKET-2469] - Allow using a different FileItemFactory by
> extracting a method in MultipartServletWebRequest class
>   * [WICKET-2492] - path
> ** New Feature
>   * [WICKET-2395] - add MixedParamHybridUrlCodingStrategy
>   * [WICKET-2483] - Access to WizardModel.conditions
> ** Wish
>   * [WICKET-2120] - widen visibiliy of GuiceProxyTargetLocator  and
> findBindingAnnotation
>   * [WICKET-2462] - Would it possible add chinese resource label for
> WizardButton eg. CancelButton, NextButton and PreviousButton etc.
>   * [WICKET-2489] - need to know if a component has been added to
> the AjaxRequestTarget
> We thank you for your patience and support.
> The Wicket Team
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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