Hi Doug,

you're adding a second drop target to your currentContainer:

   currentContainer.add(new DropTarget(Operation.COPY) {

But there aren't any DIVs contained inside your currentContainer, so wicket-dnd isn't able to find a drop location.

If you just want to support drop operations even if no items are already present, you can do so with a single drop target:

currentContainer.add(new DropTarget(Operation.MOVE, Operation.COPY) {
           public void onDrop(AjaxRequestTarget target, Transfer transfer,
                   Location location) throws Reject {
System.out.println("(tr) onDrop: " + transfer.getOperation());

               if (location == null) {
                  // no location supplied -> drop on whole container
               } else {
// location supplied -> drop on given location, see Location#anchor and Location#component



Doug Leeper wrote:

I have downloaded wicket-dnd and have integrated into our project.  I had a
few issues but got around them.  The biggest is that we are using DataView
instead of DataTable.  While there was no exact example for DataView, I was
able to get through and see what I needed to do:

- needed a "container" apply the DataSource
- needed to item.setOutputMarkupId( true ) in the populateItem

The DropTarget is working (the UI changes when I hover over the
target)...but when I initiate a drop, I get a PageExpiredException.

Any thoughts?

BTW..I have uploaded our simple test case for reference.

- Doug

http://www.nabble.com/file/p25859163/DndTestPage.java DndTestPage.java http://www.nabble.com/file/p25859163/DndTestPage.html DndTestPage.html http://www.nabble.com/file/p25859163/WicketApplication.java WicketApplication.java

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