Hello user group,
Just a little word to make sure this is check out.  I got a ClassNotFound
exception while working with my OSGi framework and integrating it with
Wicket-Guice.  The problem is that Wicket guice use the method Class.forName
to retrieve the class into which injection is suppose to take place.  Since
our wicket components can be in plugins and can be therefore in another
classloader, wicket-guice is not able to retrieve the class name.

I created a bug (WICKET-2530<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-2530>
) for this and included a subversion patch where instead of using
Class.forName, Wicket-Guice is using Classes.resolveClass and the class
resolver that is given by the user application.

I hope I didn't think something for granted and that it is not a fix that
can broke something else.

Thanks to check this issue.


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