
I have a problem with the inmethod IDataSource. I've provided my own implementation for it, including implementing the query method. But for some reason, it only seems to want to return one row, while I know there should be two. Can anybody tell me what I might be doing wrong? It must be that I've made a stupid mistake somewhere, because I did get it working for two other kinds of data. I simply don't see what I did differently.

Here's the query method. It's the initializing of the QueryParam variable that fails. When I add in the line that I've commented out just below it, I do get the two rows I'm expecting.

public void query(final IQuery query, final IQueryResult result) {
       String sortProperty = null;
       boolean sortAsc = true;
// is there any sorting
       if (query.getSortState().getColumns().size() > 0) {
           // get the most relevant column
ISortStateColumn state = query.getSortState().getColumns().get(0); // get the column sort properties
           sortProperty = convertToFieldName(state.getPropertyName());
           sortAsc = state.getDirection() == IGridSortState.Direction.ASC;
List<Book> resultList;
       try {
// HERE'S MY PROBLEM: query.getCount() is 1 for some reason QueryParam qp = new QueryParam(query.getFrom(), query.getCount());
           //QueryParam qp = new QueryParam(0, 0);
List<Book> books = new BookRetriever().getAllBooks(filter, qp);
           // determine the total count
resultList = books;
       } catch (Exception e) {
           resultList = new ArrayList<Book>();


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