Background: We have a wicket based site ( that is
a single page and does all of its work via Ajax.

Use Case: We are distributing Adobe PDF based forms to customers for
signup. Customers will fill out the form, click submit and acrobat
will post the form to our website.

The Problem: The url needs to be bookmarkable so Acrobat can find it.
it also needs to look human so people don't get frightened.

The Non-working solution: Since the entire site is just one page I
have taken the main body panel and special cased it:

     centerBox = new CollectSignupResponsePanel("centerbox");
} else {
     centerBox = new PublicHomePanel("centerbox");

I then created a mounted URL : mountBookmarkablePage("SecureSignup",

And voila, it answers on and displays
my CollectSignupResponsePanel.

The Problem: The site now thinks this is the only url and redirects
users to /SecureSignup even when they hit the root path.

So my question is, how can I mix these strategies and keep this single
page format?

Thanks, really stuck on this minor thing-

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