Ok... Our page had a StatelessForm inside. We changed it to just Form.

When the form was submitted, we had a bookmarkable page as a response page and now we changed the call to produce a non-bookmarkable page. This is:

onSubmit() {
//setResponsePage(MyResponsePage.class); // <- REMOVED
setResponsePage(new MyResponsePage()); // <- ADDED

With this (and no need to clear the pagemap) a submit after a back button produces a page expired message.

If I make the form stateless again, kaboom!

1) Why setting bookmarkable or not bookmarkable response page makes the difference between expiring and not expiring the current page? 2) What determines if a page is stateless or stateful? Is it just the fact that it contains stateless or stateful forms? 3) Is there a way I can expire the current page if I set a bookmarkable response page?

We feel Wicket is a great framework, but there are things we don't yet understand. Mainly, we get really confused on how does Wicket handle back button, what are and what distinguishes stateless or stateful pages, what are versioned pages/components, what problems they solve and how to use them. If anyone can point us where to read on these subjects we'll appreciate it very much.

Kind regards and thanks,


Pedro Santos escribió:
You are aware that to an page expire, it has to be statefull, right?
In a statefull page:
and the previous versions will to be removed from pagemap, then you got the
page expired when try to back to then...

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Tomás Rossi <tro...@mecon.gov.ar> wrote:

Nothing seems to work.

Does the fact that the page I want to expire is the home page has anything
to do with it?

Pedro Santos escribió:

 The page returned from back button came from pagemap. Make sure to remove
from there and you get the expired exception.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Tomás Rossi <tro...@mecon.gov.ar>

Hi, I have another question...

in Wicket (1.4.2), can I force the expiration of a page?
Specifically, if users hit browser's back-button, I'd like to show them
page-expired message.

I've already tried to invalidate the session, but I got a horrible
exception when re-submitting the form after reaching it through the back

Thanks in advance,

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