Yes - this looks fine.  There are multiple ways of accomplishing it, but
this one is fine.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Peter Ross <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm implementing a control which consists of an integer field and a
> slider where the slider comes from jquery UI.
> My question is that whenever the component is refreshed via ajax, you
> need to call the js initialization function.
> I've done this by adding a behaviour which determines the request
> target, if it's an AjaxRequestTarget it adds the init js to the target
> otherwise it outputs it in the header.
> Is this the correct way to do it?  Is there a simpler way?
> Here is the code that I've implemented as of today
> public class NumberFieldWithSlider<Number> extends
> FormComponentPanel<Number> {
>    private TextField<Number> field;
>    private String slider_id;
>    public NumberFieldWithSlider(String id) {
>        super(id);
>        init();
>    }
>    public NumberFieldWithSlider(String id, IModel<Number> model) {
>        super(id, model);
>        init();
>    }
>    private void init() {
>        field = new TextField("field", getModel());
>        add(field);
>        WebComponent c = new WebComponent("slider");
>        c.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>        slider_id = c.getMarkupId();
>        add(c);
>        // Write out the javascript to initialize the slider
>        add(new AbstractBehavior() {
>            @Override
>            public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
>                IRequestTarget target =
> RequestCycle.get().getRequestTarget();
>                if (target instanceof AjaxRequestTarget) {
>                    // If the target is an ajax request then we need
>                    // to execute just the slider js.
>                    AjaxRequestTarget t = (AjaxRequestTarget) target;
>                    t.appendJavascript(init_slider_js());
>                } else {
>                    // Otherwise render the slider when the document is
> ready.
> response.renderJavascript(init_slider_when_doc_ready_js(), null);
>                }
>            }
>        });
>    }
>    private String init_slider_js() {
>        return "$('#" + slider_id + "').slider({min: 0, max: 1, step:
> 0.1});";
>    }
>    private String init_slider_when_doc_ready_js() {
>        return "$(document).ready(function() {" + init_slider_js() + "});";
>    }
> }
> Regards,
> Peter
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