Thank you very much Igor for your answer. 
You're right, this is working even without any code in the onSubmit() method 
(in fact I just added one line to manage the visibility of my result 

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Igor Vaynberg [] 
Envoyé : lundi 9 novembre 2009 17:27
À :
Objet : Re: best approach for a criteria and result page

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 6:21 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I browsed a lot of wicket example and searched through many articles, 
> but never found this classical web application example : I would have 
> on the same page a form with some criteria, a search button and a 
> result list : I enter some data, hit search and get the results under 
> my criteria, just like google does.
> No problem for me to define all these parts using wicket components, 
> but I don't know how to manage the workflow, and  especially what code 
> should I put in my form's onSubmit method.

you dont need to put any code in your onsubmit...

class mysearchpage extends webpage {
  private searchcriteria criteria=new searchcriteria();

  public mysearchpage() {
     add(new searchcriteriaform("form", new propertymodel(this, 
     ^ form object connected to the criteria field of this page via a property 

     add(new listview("results", new propertymodel(this,
"searchresults")) {...});
     ^ listview that will display results retrieved from the
getSearchresults() method on this page

   public list getSearchresults() {
       // get whatever results based on the criteria field

so in short, form pushes your criteria into the criteria field, listview uses 
the criteria field to build the resultset. yes, its that simple :)


> Here is a sample code :
> public class TestPage extends WebPage {
>        public TestPage() {
>                super();
>                createComponents();
>        }
>       �...@suppresswarnings("serial")
>        protected void createComponents() {
>                final WebMarkupContainer datacontainer = new 
> WebMarkupContainer("data");
>                Form<SearchParameterBean> searchForm = new 
> Form<SearchParameterBean>("searchForm",
>                                new
> CompoundPropertyModel<SearchParameterBean>(new SearchParameterBean())) 
> {
>                       �...@override
>                        protected void onSubmit() {
>                                SearchParameterBean searchParam =
> (SearchParameterBean) getModelObject();
>                                // get contract list in a 
> LoadableDetachableModel, but can't give it to ListView
>                                IModel<List<ResultParameter>> 
> contractListModel = new 
> LoadableDetachableModel<List<ResultParameter>>()
> {
>                                       �...@override
>                                        protected List<ResultParameter>
> load() {
>                                                List<ResultParameter> 
> contractList = manageContract.getContracts();
>                                                return contractList;
>                                        }
>                                };
>                                // This is working, but I must have an 
> inner class and final WebMarkupContainer datacontainer
>                                // What to do if I want to create a 
> class ConsultForm extends Form<SearchParameterBean>
>                                datacontainer.setVisible(true);
>                        }
>                };
>                searchForm.add(new TextField<String>("Id"));
>                add(searchForm);
>                datacontainer.setVersioned(false);
>                datacontainer.setVisible(false);
>                add(datacontainer);
>                // here I do not have access to my contractListModel
>                PageableListView<ResultParameter> listView = new 
> PageableListView<ResultParameter>("contracts", contractListModel, 10){
>                       �...@override
>                        public void
> populateItem(ListItem<ResultParameter> listItem) {
>                                ResultParameter contract = 
> listItem.getModelObject();
>                                Label name = new Label("Name", 
> contract.getName());
>                                listItem.add(name);
>                        }
>                };
>                datacontainer.add(listView);
>        }
> The questions I have are :
> - How to pass model between the onSubmit() message which defines it, 
> and the FormView which shows itin the page ?
> - Do I have to define a setResponsePage() in my onSubmit() ? If I do 
> so, I must go to another page, and then I lost the user's choosen 
> criteria
> - What is the best practice to build such an application ?
> - Is there somewhere an example with criteria and results on the same 
> page ?
> Thank you very much,
> Bernard

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