In regards to ajaxy question below, the reason I needed this was to
update a label when the slider value was changed.  I looked at the
example and noticed that this could be done by overriding the following
method on the slider:

Protected String getOnChangeJSFunc() {...} 

I still have the question on rendering the tick marks, but will continue
looking at that one as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Corbin, James [] 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 8:48 AM
Subject: Wicket YUI - Integration (Slider Question)



I am using the framework off the wicket-stuff trunk that wraps yui to
work with wicket.  I must say it works pretty well.


I did have a few questions on the slider that I hoped someone had
experience with at solving,


1. I cannot seem to get the tick marks to show up on the control?  Is
this not supported in the current implementation of the framework

2. Does the slider component support attaching ajax behaviors?  I am
looking to bind an ajax behavior (onchange) that updates a label with a
current value of the slider.  I assume this is possible and will try it
this morning but wanted to check the forum to see if its wasted effort.



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