Spring has a classpath scanner which you can copy and adapt to scan
for pages and then try to instantiate them. The problem is often that
pages don't have a default constructor, which is a problem if you want
to instantiate them automagically.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:57 AM, Pierre Goupil <goupilpie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys,
> One thing that I like regarding Wicket tester is that it easily allows one
> to check a Page under design for any exception that it could throw at
> creation-time. Actually, doing such a basic test is for me essential, so as
> it takes only two lines of code, I systematically check all my pages this
> way.
> You know, the:
>        // start and render the test page
>        this.tester.startPage(HomePage.class);
>        // assert rendered page class
>        this.tester.assertRenderedPage(HomePage.class);
> thing.
> What I like so much with it is that any error which would occur when you
> load the page in FF / IE... occurs without leaving Eclipse and immediately.
> When the workflow to find the page in the browser is long and repetitive,
> it's a relief!
> BUT, when the number of pages grow, two related problems emerge:
> -you have to duplicate these two lines of code everytime, which is a (small)
> pain in itself
> -and you have no guarantee that you didn't forget any page, which is worst.
> So I'm looking for a way to list all Page instances in a Wicket app, which
> could then allow me to be sure that they are all covered by a test. And when
> it's done maybe I could use the same system in order to ensure that Selenium
> (the automated functional testing tool) has covered all my pages as well
> (more deeply).
> I could use a test coverage tool, but 1) it wouldn't work with Selenium 2) I
> don't want to generate a report, I want the test suit to fail if a Page is
> not covered by my test class.
> Could anyone suggest where to start, please?
> Regards,
> Pierre
> --
> Rien de grand ne s'est accompli dans le monde sans passion.
> (G.W.F. Hegel, philosophe allemand)

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