Cant you use

But I guess it might still get the session id appended..?

2009/12/2 Loritsch, Berin C. <>

> I too would like to know the Wicket answer.  The problem is that
> JSESSIONID is how the Servlet container differentiates the session with
> the user.  It's part of the spec since the beginning.  Because it is
> well known and certain browsers (Firefox, representing over a third of
> browser clients) make it pretty easy to look at the cookies it has
> become a known weakness to people who want to do bad things.
> Now, if the entire interaction is done with HTTPS, theoretically you
> would be able to use the SSL session ID to match sessions.  That would
> be a configuration setting on your Servlet container.
> The solution that some frameworks and roll your own security folks have
> come up with (like Ruby on Rails) is to use a secondary token as a salt
> for a secondary token.  Rails uses this token for all POST requests and
> uses a constant time comparison for the token (another topic
> altogether).  Of course, Rails stores all session data in a Cookie by
> default, encrypted and hashed with the secondary token.  It makes it
> more difficult to steal a session that way.  An approach similar to this
> (without storing session data in a cookie) can be done using a
> ServletFilter.
> The alternative I've seen is to change the secondary token periodically
> or every request.  The problem with this solution is that you break the
> back button when the token changes.  At the very least, the secondary
> token should be generated based on requestor information (IP address,
> user agent, etc.).  That way the token is not simply a matter of simply
> matching the JSESSIONID string against a hash.  You are recreating the
> master token the same way and comparing it with what you received.
> To summarize, I would most likely create a ServletFilter to handle the
> secondary token handling.  The secondary token would be a SHA-1 hash of
> an application salt (random characters at least the length of an SHA-1),
> the user agent, and the requesting IP address, and the Servlet session
> ID.  The ServletFilter either throws a 403 response, or invalidates the
> session if the newly generated key does not match the secondary token
> provided.  Essentially, the user would have to be behind the same
> firewall/gateway, have the same exact browser and patch level, and the
> session id to successfully steal a session.  Even within an organization
> the differences in user agent strings for Internet Explorer at any
> version vary greatly.
> Additionally, I would use the ServletFilter to actively reject automated
> clients.  If the system lives in SSL, this is a valid approach because
> you don't necessarily want the contents indexed.  You'd be surprised how
> many poorly behaving web crawlers there are out there.  Many of them are
> home-brewed scripts that spider your site, ignoring your robots.txt
> file--even on private networks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Turner []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Session stealing with wicket-auth-roles
> Good morning all,
> I'm hoping I've misconfigured something in my application, but we seem
> to be prone to session stealing in our wicket application.  We're using
> wicket-auth-roles to provide the security, and if you are able to access
> the jsessionid you can get another machine to log straight into the
> application as the intercepted user.  We're using HTTPS for the
> communication, so hopefully the likelihood of this occurring is quite
> small, but we are still being forced to contemplate rewriting the
> security layer (which I want to avoid if possible).
> So, my question, have I misconfigured something, or is it just not
> possible to prevent this sort of attack when using wicket-auth-roles?
> I've managed to create a completely stripped-down app that still has the
> problem, below is the AuthenticatedWhenSession implementation.
> public class HelloWorldWebSession extends AuthenticatedWebSession {
>    public HelloWorldWebSession(Request request) { super(request); }
>    public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
> return "helloUser".equals(username) && "password".equals(password); }
>    public Roles getRoles() { return isSignedIn() ? new
> Roles(Roles.USER) : null; }
> }
> And the simple page:
> @AuthorizeInstantiation("USER")
> public class HelloWorldHomePage extends WebPage { }
> And the application:
> public class HelloWorldApplication extends AuthenticatedWebApplication {
>    protected void init() {
>        super.init();
>        mountBookmarkablePage("home", HelloWorldHomePage.class);
>        mountBookmarkablePage("signin", SignInPage.class);
>    }
>    protected Class<? extends WebPage> getSignInPageClass() { return
> SignInPage.class; }
>    protected Class<? extends AuthenticatedWebSession>
> getWebSessionClass() { return HelloWorldWebSession.class; }
>    public Class<? extends Page> getHomePage() { return
> HelloWorldHomePage.class; }
> }
> The URL below, once logged in on one machine, could then be used on
> multiple machines to bypass the security layer.
> http://localhost:9090/HelloWorld/home;jsessionid=<SESSION_ID_TAKEN_FROM_
> Many Thanks
> Andy
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