a écrit :
Maarten Bosteels a écrit :
Have you seen this thread:

I had not seen this thread, thank you. It seems this issue will be fixed in wicket-1.4.4 (saw it in the thread). Do we have any idea of when 1.4.4 will be released ?


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Johan Compagner <>wrote:

We try to do our best, but the problem is that this is a leak internal to
java itself (classloader and urlconnection)

play with antiJarLocking and antiResouceLocking attributes.

oups ! A special thank you to Johan to :)

Thank you Maarten, I have set antiJarLocking to true.

My application used to fail after 30 minutes (in deployment mode) before that. After setting that context parameter, I have not encountered any problem. The number of open file descriptors remains to a reasonable value. So I consider my problem solved.

Thank you all for your help.


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 09:41, Pascal Grange <> wrote:


I observe file descriptor leaks when running my wicket application. By
I mean that the java process tries to open more than 1024 file
When I lsof the process, here is what I see :

lsof -p 24689 | wc -l -> 1095
lsof -p 24689 | grep wicket-1.3.4.jar | wc -l -> 522
lsof -p 24689 | grep  wicket-datetime-1.3.4.jar | wc -l -> 401
lsof -p 24689 | grep  wicket-extensions-1.3.4.jar | wc -l -> 6

I am new to wicket and I need help to fix this. Searching for file
descriptor leaks in wicket on google I found some old mailing-list post
that doesn't help me a lot so I post here :) I red about issues with jar
but the post are so old that I understand those are fixed bug ?

No need to precise what versions of wicket stuffs I use, your can see
above. For java, it's version 1.5.0_14 and Tomcat version is 5.5.25.

Thanks for your help,

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