
> I'm executing the standard Wicket maven archetype's test target and it is
> having trouble finding my JNDI datasource.
> *mvn jetty:run* works just fine but when I execute the *"mvn test"* target
> from within m2eclipse, I get a huge stracktrace with the following excerpt:
>         Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name
> 'jdbc/ds'
> My pom references a jetty-env.xml file which includes the definition for
> this datasource but that entry is in the Jetty plugin section and I don't
> think it is is getting sourced when exec'ing the *"mvn test" *target.
How should the maven lifecycle "test" know about jetty specific configuration 
files read by the jetty plugin? You could use simple-jndi for your purposes. I 
could provide you an example if you want to give it a try.

Best Regards,
        Ilja Pavkovic

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