2009/12/16 Kurt Heston <>:
> Tonight, I moved from v1.3.5 to v1.4.4.  I'm up and running after
> changing all of my getModel statements, but an old performance problem
> has shown up again.
> Back when I moved to 1.3.x, pages started loading really slowly,
> especially ones with lots of links.  However, in reading through the
> forums, the newSessionStore/HttpSessionStore trick was found and it
> worked like a charm.
> The trouble is, now that I'm on 1.4.4 the problem is back and no amount
> of fiddling with HttpSessionStore or DiskPageStore has made any
> difference.  My pages takes minutes to load (seriously) and none of my
> Ajax works.
> Anyone have a hint or two to give me as to how I can resolve this?
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