There can be many reasons... maybe you show more of the html and java
pages? Here is some previous discussion about such situations:

2010/1/6 Kogel, Jonck-van-der <>:
> Hi,
> I have a simple DropDownChoice that holds male/female option. The
> selected value is retrieved from the database fine. Now I have a modal
> panel and when it closes it refreshes a certain portion of my screen
> using ajax. However, when the ajax refresh comes back the selected value
> gets lost. When I look in the ajax debug screen I see the list of
> options coming back and the selected value is empty. This happens even
> when I don't do anything with the value of the dropdown in the modal
> panel, but simply refresh the dropdown. Any ideas? Here is some code:
> The dropdown: (the list of options is an enum, mergedModel is a
> LoadableDetatchableModel)
> DropDownChoice<Sex> sex = new DropDownChoice<Sex>("sex",
>  new PropertyModel<Sex>(mergedModel, ""),
>  Utility.arrayToList(new Sex[]{Sex.MALE, Sex.FEMALE}));
> sex.setOutputMarkupId(true);
> add(sex);
> What happens when I close the modal panel: (the contentPanel gets passed
> a reference to the modalPanel and the objects that need refreshing)
> form.add(new AjaxSubmitLink("save") {
> �...@override
>  protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
>  for (Component comp : updateList) {
>   target.addComponent(comp);
>  }
>  modalWindow.close(target);
>  }
> });
> The ajax response:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ajax-response><component
> id="sex11" ><![CDATA[<select name="tabs:tabUser:sex" id="sex11">
> <option selected="selected" value="">Kies er een</option>
> <option value="0">Man</option>
> <option value="1">Vrouw</option>
> </select>]]>
> Thanks for any help!
> Kind regards, Jonck

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