Shouldn't the FeedbackPanel be a child of the forms panel, instead of the form 
itself ? (don't know exactly = Your way the feedbackpanel gets submitted too)


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Brinkman [] 
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 9:02 AM
Subject: how to clear validation error

I have a form with a html submit button.  In java I wrote my own onSubmit to
handle the form processing.  In the form I have a firstName field that is
                          First Name:
              <span wicket:id="borderFirstName">
                <input type="text" wicket:id="firstName"></input>

        TextField firstName = new TextField("firstName");
                new FormComponentFeedbackBorder("borderFirstName").add(
                        firstName ) );

All works great as long as the user input is valid.  If I attempt to submit
an empty firstName field I get the expected message in my FeedbackPanel and
my firstName text field gets the red asterisk.  I then add a valid firstName
and submit again.  The page remains showing the valid firstName input along
with the validation errors and onSubmit does not fire.  I must be doing
something wrong but can't figure it out.

Thanks for your help.

I'm using wicket 1.4.5, tomcat 6, java 1.6 and firefox 3.0.8 on fc9.

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