AttributeAppender should solve your problem.


2010/1/20 Steve Whitson <>:
> Hi,
> I'm new to wicket, and am working on my first app.  Great alternative to
> other WebUI frameworks!
> I've added a link to my panel using this code:
>       Link deleteReportLink = new Link( "deletereport" ) {
>           @Override
>           public void onClick() {
>               System.out.println("deleting report" );
>               service.deleteReport( selectedReport );
>           }
>       };
>         add( deleteReportLink );
>   // add a confirmation to the Delete Report operation
>   deleteReportLink.add(
>           new SimpleAttributeModifier( "onclick", "return confirm( 'Are you
> sure?');" )
>       );
> Here's the markup:
>   <a href="#" wicket:id="deletereport">Delete Report</a>
>   <!--  <input type="button" wicket:id="deletereport" value="Delete Report"
> /> -->
>   <!-- <button type="button" wicket:id="deletereport">Delete Report</button>
>  -->
> In the markup, when I use an 'a' tag the javascript confirmation dialog
> works fine along with the onClick() override.  When I use it with either of
> the (commented out) button inputs, the dialog appears, but the 'onClick()'
> override is never executed.
> I'd much rather this work with a button and not a hyperlink.
> Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.
>   -Steve
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