
2010/1/21 Lionel Port <lio...@portconnection.com>:
> Not strictly a wicket question, I know.

For me tools are an important part of a framework's ecosystem.

> Does anyone have wicket bench
> working in Galileo or recent version of eclipse or know of a good
> plugin I should be using?. My project has a maven structure, not sure
> if thats why it doesn't work.

Yes, it works quite well for me. "Quite well" means that there are
some bugs that lead me to open a page in the Wicket editor and the
Java editor parallel quite often. I didn't have any installation or
project setup problems other than not to end the context root with a
slash and not to begin css files with one.

But it looks like this Eclipse plugin is not actively developed? Is it
time to buy an IDEA license where there seems to be a quite nice
toolset for Wicket?

Hej då
Hauke Ingmar

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