On 01/27/10 21:51, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

Thanks for this. I may also have run into the multiple page load you
say this might cause. Can you confirm if this is the case for any<img
src="# />  and goes away when its just<img />  ?

I can confirm it happens for any <img src="#" />, with Firefox 3.5.

An <img /> without source is not valid HTML, so I'd try to avoid it. I didn't try what happens in that case. I worked around the problem by extracting the <img> into a separate Panel. I add() this panel whenever I have an image to display, and a dummy WebMarkupContainer when I don't.

-- Thomas

On 28/01/2010, at 2:54 AM, Riyad Kalla wrote:

Thomas, as someone who frequently likes trying "really dumb things"
-- I appreciate you giving a heads up on this issue. I was likely
going to run into this at some point anyway ;)

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 3:46 AM, Thomas Kappler

Earlier this month, there was a thread [1] about the "component
not found" problem. I can't reply as I wasn't subscribed yet.


I had the same problem recently, and after banging my head against the wall
for a while, I figured it out.

I had a RepeatingView on the page that consisted of markup
containers that had some text, and some had an external image
(hosted outside the wicket app), while others did not. I tought
I'd keep it simple and wrote<img src="#" />  in the markup. In
the Java code, I'd check each item whether it had a URL to an
image, and if so, would insert that into the src attribute with
an AttributeModifier. For the other items it just stayed at the
"#" value.

Now "#" means "the current page", so for each page load, the
browser would actually load the page several times, once for each
empty<img>. When using ajax, this completely breaks things, of
course (besides making the page really slow).

Note that an empty value of src="" can also cause this at least
with older versions of Firefox.

Making it so that the<img>  markup is only inserted for actual
images solved it.

Maybe that was really dumb, but I thought I'd share it for the
mailing list archive.

-- Thomas


Thomas Kappler                        thomas.kapp...@isb-sib.ch
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics         Tel: +41 22 379 51 89
CMU, rue Michel Servet 1 1211 Geneve 4 Switzerland

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  Thomas Kappler                        thomas.kapp...@isb-sib.ch
  Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics         Tel: +41 22 379 51 89
  CMU, rue Michel Servet 1
  1211 Geneve 4
  Switzerland                              http://www.uniprot.org

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