Shipping a few different custom themes as part of the Wicket SDK could be
interesting -- for the standard Wicket components that just back HTML4
elements it's a little less necessary I suppose, but for those custom
components, like Data Tables, making them look nice out of the box could be
a nice win. I suppose the same goes for some standard HTML widgets

I wonder if there could be a Wicket 1.6 addition of a ThemeManager that all
wicket components could call into for "default" styles -- including the
custom components -- allowing artists to define well-known style names that
would get applied automatically and allow Wicket to ship themes out of the
box with it?

e.g. in Application.init() -- ThemeManager.setDefault("green-gloss.css")

As superficial as it is, we all know bling counts. If there is a huge demand
for making Wicket components look like an 1990s AOL webpage, I'll take the
lead on this... otherwise we should probably ask if anyone is a designer? :)

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Jing Ge (Besitec IT DEHAM)

> Hi guys,
> I just ask myself, why the wicket team does not provide a better look,
> more modern css? A css which will let people say "WOW!" when they open
> the wicket demo page, like Vaadin does.
> Such a css can let more people pay attention to wicket. Why don't do it?
> BTW, The wicket is really cool! I like it!
> Regards
> Jing

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