Howdy all, 

In the Wicket API, is there any way to have something other than a Form that 
can receive and process file uploads? Specifically: can a Resource accept form 
POSTs for file uploads? 

I ask because I'm trying to wrap the SWFUpload Shockwave applet in a Wicket 
component. Asking about it on the IRC channel, Igor mentioned I should "create 
a Resource that can receive the upload." I took a look through the code for 
Resource and its subclasses and I can't see any hooks in the API that would 
allow this. 

Am I missing something in the API? If not, I suppose I can poke around at the 
raw ServletRequest and try to extract the POST manually from there. Anyone know 
of any examples on how to go about that? 

Thanks very much, 

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