Answers below...

David Chang wrote:
I am reading the book Wicket in Action. Page 88 about serializing models says:
"At the end of the request, after the markup has been sent to the browser, Wicket 
stores the page, component hierarchy, and associated models (the state) in the page 

Does "Wicket stores the page" means Wicket stores all the page content (markup plus Wicket-inserted content) sent to the the browser?
No, only the serialized form of the page hierarchy is stored. From this all other content can be reloaded (note: markup is only read once and cached when in production mode).

I did an experiement in which there are two clock pages with dynamtic models 
(same java class and markup, but differnet class/file names). Clicking on a 
link goes to the second clock page. When I click IE Back button to go back to 
the first clock page, it always shows the current date/time. How so? Why not 
showing the previous date/time when the first clock page was loaded?
When you press the back button, you'll see whatever the browser has cached.
My understanding is that when a page is refreshed, each Wicket componet on a 
page calls its getObject to update content. Does the Back button get the 
getObject method called too?
After using the back button, reload the page, and you'll get the re-rendered content.
What did I miss?

Thanks, David


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