See the source for ContextImage for an example.


On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Sergey Olefir <> wrote:
> Hi,
> in our application we need to make use of an applet. For the size and
> logistics reasons I don't want to package the required applet jars
> inside Java packages (that is unlike e.g. images and css that we do
> package together with the components).
> So, say, I'll package the jars under 'applet' web folder so that they
> are web-accessible via http://server/context-path/applet/jar1.jar etc.
> Now I don't want to hardcore context-path into the markup file, so I
> don't want to simply write in HTML:
> <applet codebase="/context-path/applet" code="Applet"
>        archive="jar1.jar,jar2.jar"
>        name="Applet"
>        >
> You need Java support to run this applet.
> </applet>
> What do I need to write so that codebase refers to the proper folder
> regardless of the chosen context-path? (folder name inside the
> context-path will still be the same)
> Thanks in advance!
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