sounds like you want to rewrite gwt but using wicket model for
handling markup instead of layout manages which is what gwt uses. it
is probably much easier to write a library for gwt that implements the
wicket markup model rather then the other way around...


On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 2:23 AM, Vladimir Kovalyuk <> wrote:
> Some thought ...
> Last week I thought a bit about reacting on events without client-server
> round-trip and without having to write JS. I had an idea - to write event
> handlers as methods and annotate them with special annotation
> @ClientSideEvent. Then feeding the class to the Java-JS compiler we would
> obtain the JS we need to embed into the page. And something similar about
> component model - properties annotated with @ClientSide would be available
> to client-side events (and marshalled to the server as path scoped cookies
> for instance).
> To start experiment with that I downloaded GWT 2 devkit and had a look to
> their compiler. Unfortunately it is not capable to compile single class into
> JS. It requires a bunch of configuration and core infrastructure and it
> always generates HTML. The class of your interest would be the inlined JS
> script within the generated HTML. That does not suits. And BTW gwt compiler
> is slow as hell (minutes!!!), how people are happy developing GWT
> applications?
> Then I realized what I'm looking for - the decompiler from .class file to
> .js file with some filtering capabilities.
> Having such a tool it becomes possible to add dynamically decompiled .js
> resources to the components (js accessible via URLs) and write client-side
> state in Java, along with server-side state. All we would need to implement
> are client side context and client-state marshalling.
> Although it seems doable I'm afraid it may be extremely expensive to develop
> and support such a tool. And it would require some changes in Wicket
> rendering process (opeate with attributes in dom manner instead of handling
> onComponent rendering event).
> The next generation of HTML/JS would evolve towards client programming
> capabilities. I like Wicket for its full freedom of HTML (contrary to GWT)
> and I would like to use similar model when programming rich web client
> applications. And it is less about the Wicket way of splitting html and
> java. It is more about binding to dynamically loadable data with any deep of
> structure displayed on users demand. The GWT way would require to program it
> in any way when Wicket does it transparently. Another story is authorization
> that can be done transparently. But web development evolves and client side
> programming becomes more and more demanded. I tried to think about how
> technically we could use the best of both worlds.
> What do you think about all that?

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