You can look at how I set up configuration stuff in my Advanced Wicket
example code:

Basically, I use maven profiles to point to different configuration
directories for each environment (dev, test, prod).  Perhaps that
would help.

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Alec Swan <> wrote:
> We have WEB-INF/classes/ file which instructs log4j to log
> to ${catalina.home}/logs/${logFileName}.log file. This works great when I
> deploy the web app in Tomcat.
> However, I would like the logs to be written to a different file when I run
> my tests that use WicketTester and start their own servlet containers. How
> can I instruct my tests to log to a different location or even use a
> different file altogether?
> Thanks.

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