> I am finding it very cumbersome to integrate JavaScript/JS-library. Can
> someone point to (or probably write a blog-post on :->)  the best practices
> of integrating JS/JS-library with Wicket.

Wicket is pretty flexible in that you can integrate your JS a dozen
different ways.  jQuery is especially easy to integrate with because the
programming model matches Wicket's fairly nicely.  The primary thing is that
if you want to use element IDs to tie in to jQuery, you'll need to do this
from behaviors in your java code so that you get the correct ID.

> I am using JQuery but I would like to know the best approach without using
> WiQuery or jWicket. (Unless, I have to write my own jWicket to get this
> done.)

I'm not sure I understand.  wiQuery has been fairly well recognized as a
very nice Wicket/jQuery integration.  It has active development and a
helpful mailing list.  So, what's the objection to using it?  I'm not saying
that you can't have an objection, I just wonder what it is.  It's an open
source project, so you can use it as a base and add your own functionality
as needed (hopefully contributing back).

Even if you don't want to use it, you can see some of the things they are
doing with it - it has some very nice features, including mergin all the JS
header contributions into a common (single) resource file.

Jeremy Thomerson

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