the combination of class, key, locale, style must be unique, so if I
have the same keys ( while locale and style is not changing ) - the
classname must be unique. So I cannot use this in anonymous classes,
as it does not resolve, e.g. page class name

Žilvinas Vilutis

Mobile:   (+370) 652 38353

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Josh Glassman <> wrote:
> Not sure what you mean about implementing a unique class... any class which
> inherits from Component can call getString(String key), which will call your
> custom IStringResourceLoader.  Additionally, you can set the locale on any
> MarkupContainer or the Session, and Components will use their parent's
> locale falling back to the Session's.
> You can also use the wicket:message tag directly in your markup, which uses
> whatever locale it's associated class uses.
> What we do is set the locale on the Session, and use that and a resource key
> to pull the string from the database.  We use DB caching, and turn off the
> built-in resource string caching that wicket does (see below, goes in
> WebApplication.init()).
> getResourceSettings().setLocalizer(new Localizer() {
>   @Override
>   protected void putIntoCache(String cacheKey, String string) {
>      // Do nothing... no caching desired, since our DB layer caches
>   }
> });
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Zilvinas Vilutis <> wrote:
>> Yes,
>> That seems to work. Although each component which needs to be
>> localized needs to implement a unique class, 'cause in many cases the
>> Component class is "WebMarkupContainer" ( if we use components in list
>> & etc ).
>> Does anyone have practice on using any performance experience on that?
>> Do you use DB caching or method caching?
>> Žilvinas Vilutis
>> Mobile:   (+370) 652 38353
>> E-mail:
>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Josh Glassman <> wrote:
>> > Yup, you have the right idea.
>> >
>> > Something like...
>> >    public class DatabaseStringResourceLoader implements
>> > IStringResourceLoader {...}
>> >
>> > And then in your WebApplication.init()...
>> >    getResourceSettings().addStringResourceLoader(new
>> > DatabaseStringResourceLoader());
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Josh
>> >

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