dont think a conversation scope will be of much help to you. wicket
does support it via jboss' cdi implementation, but i think you are
better off stashing all the changes into some dto and applying them
when the save button is pressed.


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Ray Weidner
<> wrote:
> I have a question about how to approach a certain kind of problem.  Let me
> first explain what I'm doing, and then what the problem is with that.
> For the web app I'm creating, a user can, using a web form, edit data which
> is backed by a model that fetches the persistent object being  modified.
>  When the OK button is clicked, the changes are committed, and then show up
> in the database.  So far, so good.
> While editing a given record called Issue, the user may choose to edit other
> records that it references (AffectedParty, in this case).  To do this, we
> switch to the new page without performing any commit.  When the referenced
> record is updated, the user returns to the original Issue record.  So far,
> nothing has been committed.  All changes will committed when editing is
> complete for the Issue record.
> The problem occurs when users open multiple tabs to multiple Issues.  In
> this case, my persistence framework (Hibernate) is using one session for all
> updates, so a commit to one will affect all the others.  This can cause all
> kinds of complex problems when the user is editing multiple unrelated
> records at the same time.
> I would like this application to be able to support working on multiple
> records at once.  One place this can be fixed is in the persistence layer,
> by associating unrelated records with separate Sessions.  However, this can
> get complicated, fast.  Another thing that I might try is to detach the
> record from Hibernate at the end of each page being rendered, and reattach
> it at the time of update.  Right now, this seems like the most reasonable
> solution.
> Is there a standard Wicket solution for this problem?  A friend of mine who
> uses Seam suggested that I check out whether or not Wicket supports
> conversations, a concept with which I'm only partly familiar (they're like
> transactions, but can comprise multiple individual transactions...right?).
>  So far, it looks to me like Wicket doesn't directly support this concept,
> and I'm not even sure how it would help me, anyway.
> Any suggestions?

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