Have you looked at the examples? http://wicketstuff.org/wicket/forminput/

Jeremy Thomerson

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Zilvinas Vilutis <cika...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can anyone explain me how do I determine whether the checkbox is "checked"?
> Is the "modelObject" null if not or what? Don't understand that and
> javadoc's don't help :)
> What does the list in the CheckGroup model do? what does model in Check do?
> does the item in the check model require to be inside the CheckGroup list?
> Thank you :)
> Žilvinas Vilutis
> Mobile:   (+370) 652 38353
> E-mail:   cika...@gmail.com

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