
I am not asking for full previewbly in the sense that you are
describing. Obviously this is not possible in dynamic scenarios.

However, Dreamweaver provides templates where each panel can be
previewed in the context of a page so it is Dreamweaver that provides
full previewability. I have seen this documented at

However, whether dynamic content can be previewed or not, it can
always be filled with something that gets replaced at runtime anyway. 

In any case, I want to get the HTML resource paths right, so how do I
do that? I haven't seen a solution for that yet.

Many thanks,


On Mon, 17 May 2010 23:52:59 -0500, you wrote:

>You won't get full previewability in Wicket.  A page can have a panel that
>is marked with <div wicket:id="myPanel">  That panel could be any panel at
>runtime - and there'd be no way to preview the page with the panel in it
>without running the app.
>I've seen teams successfully get their HTML designers to edit HTML in the
>source tree if they were using Maven and could tell the designer to "cd
>myproject; mvn jetty:run".

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