
just a few guesses:
- I don't think that this is according to a language problem.
- as far as I can see in your HTML code the DropDown is inside the <span
wicket:id="adress_border">, so maybe this is an issue
- may be you just ommited it, but I don't see a closing tag for your <select
- If I remember correctly, there (has been?) is an issue about wicket and the
short format of closing tags like in your input tag. May be you can try
<input wicket:id="address" id="address" class="address" title="an address in
Belgium" type="text"></input>
- According to the error messages you presented, the error is not in the Java
Code but in the HTML markup you provided, so may be you have to look here
I'm not an HTML expert and may be this is valid HTML, but why do you use e.g.
<\span> instead of <span> as opening tag?

Good luck


Am 27.05.2010 23:26, schrieb Matthieu:
> Hello,
> I've a problem with the DropDownChoice (and maybe language?). 
> I've a Panel who's rendering perfectly when i set the language in "english"
> and not rendering when i set in "french"... 
> The message from wicket :
> WicketMessage: The component(s) below failed to render. A common problem is
> that you have 
> added a component in code but forgot to reference it in the markup (thus the
> component will never be rendered).
> 1. [Component id = address_city]
> Root cause:
> org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: The component(s) below failed to
> render. A common problem is that you 
> have added a component in code but forgot to reference it in the markup
> (thus the component will never be rendered).
> 1. [Component id = address_city]
> My java code is :
> final DropDownChoice cityChoice = new DropDownChoice("address_city", new
> PropertyModel
> (form.getModelObject(), "city"), cityList); (here you can see the
> "address_city")
> final AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior updatingBehavior2 = new
> AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
>       @Override
>       protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>               getAddress(form, customer_address, cityChoice, the_map);
>       }
> };
> cityChoice.add(updatingBehavior2);
> form.add(cityChoice);
> My html code is :
> <\span wicket:id="address_border"><\input wicket:id="address" id="address" 
> class="address"
> title="an address in Belgium" type="text" /><\select wicket:id="address_city">
> I don't really understand why, anyone to explain me the problem?
> Thank you.

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