
It would be great, if you'd consider including following code to make
TextField, that is assigned to date picker, aware of date picker itself. So,
when TextField is clicked, picker calendar would be displayed.

Implement it is very easy:

in wicket-date.js:

add some configuration property, like showCalendarOnTextFieldSelect and use
it next to line:

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(cfg.icon, "click", showCalendar,
YAHOO.wicket[cfg.dpJs], true);

//new code below:

if(cfg.showCalendarOnTextFieldSelect) {
    YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(cfg.widgetId, "click", showCalendar,
YAHOO.wicket[cfg.dpJs], true);

Sorry that I didn't provide the patch, I could do it if you'd seriously
consider incorporating this feature.


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