one think I dont understand. you said thhat you've changed the root to /
instead of /wicketpages, but later on you said that /myservlet should
redirect to /wicketpages/about.

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Chris Colman

> Our web application uses wicket with an assortment of utility servlets
> that we use to service requests with specific paths. In order to use
> forwarding instead of redirecting we recently, as suggested on this
> list, switched our wicket app filter to use the /* (root) context
> instead of the the more specific context that we used to use eg.,
> /wicketpages. This has enabled us to overcome many problems we were
> having with our collection of wicket/raw servlets.
> We now have another issue:
> A servlet with a pattern, say /myservlet needs to do a forward to a path
> whose response is produced by a wicket mounted BookmarkablePage, let's
> say /wicketpages/home. This all works fine except when we click on a
> BookmarkablePageLinkS created in that page (eg., /wicketpages/contact,
> /wicketpages/aboutus etc).
> Instead of the URL pointing to eg.,
> /wicketpages/aboutus
> it points to
> /myservlet/wicketpages/aboutus
> Which obviously fails because our wicket BookmarkablePages are mounted
> at  paths like /wicketpages/aboutus not /myservlet/wicketpages/aboutus.
> Is there a way to tell wicket that the context is something different to
> what it is and so form a correct 'relative' URL? If I could fool wicket
> into thinking that the context path is root "/" then that would work I
> would think.
> The problem is not limited to BookmarkablePageLinks - all AJAX
> behaviours also fail as well when the /myservlet page is accessed but
> work fine when the page is accessed via /wicketpages/home.
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Best regards,
Paul Szulc

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