On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Hans Friederichs <hans.friederi...@planet.nl
> wrote:

> Hello you all,
> I'm quite new to wicket, but I've made a rather complex application using
> it.
> It's a web-application that gives users the opportunity to start and view
> deployment processes.
> Each proces is represented on the main page by a row in a List(Model), and
> when a row represents a busy process, there's a button to show the logoutput
> as it grows.
> This is what I want to do: when a "Show log-button" is clicked, a popup
> window appears that shows the loglines and the progression, i.e. it
> autoscrolls when new lines come from the underlying proces that is executed
> on the server.
> Each process has a unique ID, and that's in fact all I have to pass to the
> Popup Window, because I can create a Model there that provides for the
> loglines.
> I don't want a BookMarkablePageLink, that's idiot. In another post I read
> something like "use a plain Link and a Page with a constructor to pass your
> object", but I can't figure that out. Or should I use a ModalWindow?
> Please help!
> Hans
add(new Link<String>("link", new
Model<String>(listItem.getModelObject().getProcessID())) {
  void onClick() {
    String processID = getModelObject();
    setResponsePage(new LoggingDetailPage(processID));

Jeremy Thomerson
  • Logging popup Hans Friederichs
    • Re: Logging popup Jeremy Thomerson

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